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Letters from Lycette

What I'm Loving...VOL V

What I'm Loving...VOL V

This lipgloss has the perfect amount of color and adds shine without being too sticky! I'm obsessed. I ordered Raspberry Lolly. 

Stuffed Zucchini with Chicken Sausage, a favorite in our house.

This crayon company is so fun! The shapes are marvelous. A fabulous gift for little ones.  

This instagram.    

I just stitched this chic canvas, pictured above. 

Lusting after this canvas

This Heidi Wynne sweater would be so handsome on Mr. Needlepoint.  

Revisiting this fun book

Inspired by simplicity lately. 

These nut butters are delicious. Slather on a piece of toast and top with an apple or strawberries, beyond. 

Very tempted by these clogs.  

Loved "Only Murder in the Building" on Hulu. 



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